we are the majority sRussian women who are victims of domestic abuse are being forced to pay fines handed down to their abusers, campaigners have said.

thai model sRemoving penalties for pimps and buyers only aids the exploiters. The Nordic model is the best way towards a society where women are not saleable objects. Additionally, support is available to those wishing to exit prostitution.

ukrajina interno raseljeni sTwo-thirds of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine have barely enough funds to buy food, according to the UN Migration Agency (IOM)’s latest report: National Monitoring System on Situation of IDPs in Ukraine.

Brussels, 8 June 2017.  Disrupting the continuum of violence against women and girls in Europe: Women’s organisations call for “revolution, not reform”. 20 years loud and united. Today in Brussels, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) organises an international conference and demonstration gathering more than 350 experts, professionals, decision-makers, women’s rights defenders, and activists from all over Europe.