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The Women against violence network is inviting citizens to join the support and solidarity rally for Marija Lukić and all the women who have experienced sexual violence.
Wednesday 29th of January 2020
in Kruševac in front of the Basic court building at 10.45am

Following the case against Milutin Jeličić Jutka, former president of the municipality Brus, for sexual harassment and abusing his position of authority, in the next trial proceedings at the Basic court of Kruševac, the Women against violence network invites citizens to join the new support and solidarity rally for Marija Lukić and all the women who have experienced sexual violence.

Join us, so together we can state that we will not accept male violence against women!

Join us, so together we can ask the State to secure full protection for women that have survived sexual violence and punish the abusers!

In Kruševac in front of the Basic court building at 10.45am!