Independent Observatory for Monitoring Violence against Women
The mission of the Observatory is to be a critical voice of civil society organizations dealing with the issue of violence against women, policies and practices protecting women in Serbia, providing recommendations and guidance and indicating lines of action in this area.
The objective of the Observatory is to monitor, report and take actions that affect the improvement of state policies, as well as the pace and direction of the process of combating and eliminating violence against women in Serbia through a comprehensive conceptual and thematic analysis of the situation in combating violence against women.
Contribution of a grouping of Feminist and Human Rights Organizations to the work of The Hague Conference on Private International Law regarding legal issues concerning international surrogacy conventions
(“parentage/surrogacy project”)
Comments on Preliminary Document No 3 B of March 2014 and Preliminary Document No 3A of February 2015
Violence Against Women Leads to Homelessness and Continues During HomelessnessViolence Against Women Leads to Homelessness and Continues During Homelessness
European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless
Press Release – 25th November 2014
Saopštenje za javnost povodom kampanje "16 dana aktivizma"
Mreža Žene protiv nasilja (MŽPN), koja okuplja 28 organizacija civilnog društva, povodom globalne kampanje "16 dana aktivizma" upozorava na kontinuirani problem nasilja nad ženama u Srbiji, kao i na neophodnost snažnijeg delovanja države i društva u zaštiti ženskih ljudskih prava.
Izazovi i prilike u jačanju sistema podrške ženama sa iskustvom nasilja
Članice Regiona Beograd MŽPN, 25.10.2024. g je održao okrugli sto na temu – „Izazovi i prilike u jačanju sistema podrške ženama sa iskustvom porodičnog i/ili partnerskog nasilja na području Grada Beograda".
Mitovi o femicidu i naredni koraci sistema ka sprečavanju femicida
Od početka 2024. godine u Srbiji je počinjeno najmanje 15 femicida, dok smo 2023. završili sa najmanje 28, istaknuto je na tribini Regiona jug MŽPN, 18. oktobra, u Vlasotincima.
MŽPN: Raditi na jačanju kapaciteta i vidljivosti SOS telefona
Prošlog vikenda u Beogradu održana je Skupština Saveza ženskih nevladinih organizacija „Mreže Žene protiv nasilja na kojoj je usvojen izveštaj o radu u proteklom jednogodišnjem periodu i tromesečni rad zajedničkog SOS telefona. Razgovarano je i o programu rada za naredni period.
Zašto Ustavni sud utvrđuje ustavnost Zakona o rodnoj ravnopravnosti?
Ustavni sud Republike Srbije, na sednici, održanoj 27. juna 2024. godine, kojom je presedavala predsednica Ustavnog suda, Snežana Marković, pokrenuo je postupak za utvrđivanje neustavnosti Zakona o rodnoj ravnopravnosti („Službeni glasnik RS“, broj 52/21). Sud je obustavio izvršenje pojedinačnog akta ili radnje preduzete na osnovu odredaba navedenog Zakona. (predmet IUz-85/2021) do okončanja postupka.
Individual Free of Charge Support Services to
Women Who Have Survived Male Violence
International news
Russian victims of domestic abuse forced to pay perpetrator’s fine
Russian women who are victims of domestic abuse are being forced to pay fines handed down to their abusers, campaigners have said.
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Decriminalising the sex trade will not protect its workers from abuse
Removing penalties for pimps and buyers only aids the exploiters. The Nordic model is the best way towards a society where women are not saleable objects. Additionally, support is available to those wishing to exit prostitution.
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Conflict-Displaced Ukrainians Surviving on Just USD 2.50 Per Day: IOM
Two-thirds of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine have barely enough funds to buy food, according to the UN Migration Agency (IOM)’s latest report: National Monitoring System on Situation of IDPs in Ukraine.
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EWL Press Release
Brussels, 8 June 2017. Disrupting the continuum of violence against women and girls in Europe: Women’s organisations call for “revolution, not reform”. 20 years loud and united. Today in Brussels, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) organises an international conference and demonstration gathering more than 350 experts, professionals, decision-makers, women’s rights defenders, and activists from all over Europe.
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